
All Your Needs at One Place


New Medicine Service

New medicine service (nms) is a free nhs service that provides support for people with…..

EPS Nomination

Flu Jab

Protect yourself and your loved ones this winter season against flu with our private…

H Pylori Detection Test

We offer h.pylori testing service at our pharmacy for nhs patients (you will need a referral…

Stop Smoking Service

If you have decided to quit smoking and looking for someone to help you on this journey…

Repeat prescription App

Did you know that managing your nhs prescriptions could be much easier? Order and… 


Allergy Testing Service

The number of people that are identified to have an allergy is rising every year…

Period Delay

We all look forward to our holidays, to some well earned time off work..

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ed), which is also known as impotence, is the inability…

Health Check

Our health check service is designed to give you an idea of your overall health….


Gold Standard Health Profile

This comprehensive blood test provides you a full and in-depth view of the state of your body’s health.

General Health Profile

This blood test provides you with a general overview of your liver & kidney function, bone health, diabetes (HbA1c), full cholesterol profile as well as uric acid.

Comprehensive Metabolic Profile

This is a blood test that measures various markers related to the functioning of organs and metabolic processes..

Bone Profile

Analyses the proteins, minerals and enzymes present in your bones. It can be used to detect osteoporosis.

Cholesterol Profile

This test refers to a series of blood tests that assess various aspects of an individual’s cholesterol levels.

Diabetes Profile

The HbA1c test is used in assessing and monitoring diabetes.

Liver Function Profile

This test is used to assess the health and functioning of the liver. By evaluating these markers, the blood test aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of liver conditions such…

Kidney Function Profile

This test is a diagnostic tool used to assess the health and functionality of the kidneys. It measures markers in the blood that indicate how well the kidneys are filtering waste…

Iron Profile

This blood test is used to provide valuable information about the levels of iron and related markers in the blood. It is commonly used to assess the body’s iron status…

Full Blood Count (FBC)

This test provides valuable information about a person’s overall health and helps diagnose a wide range of conditions. By analysing all these parameters your GP can identify…

Vitamin Test

This is a blood test that measures various markers related to the functioning of organs and metabolic processes in the body and provides information about the overall…

Not Sure What You Need?

Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. We are here to help. Walk into our clinic and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.